File: ./blod/
In this file, you will find all the database models related to blog app like, Post, Comment, etc.
In this file, we have all the database models related to blog app and these are the followings.
PostModel: The model for the blog post.
CommentModel: The model for the comment on a blog post.
- title
This is a field of type string which can contain 255 characters max.
- author
A reference to an authenticated user who has the the permissions to create a blog post.
- content
Main body field of the blog post which hold the main content.
- photo
An Image field to add a banner picture to blog post.
- created_at
The Datetime field, will be populated with the current time automatically.
- category
A field with the bunch of choices to categorize the blog post.
- __str__
A function which will return the title of then post when called for an object of PostModel.
- get_last_5
This function will return the five most recent posts in descending order.
- post
A reference field to the PostModel for the post on which comment will be applied.
- author
A reference to an authenticated user who has the permissions to comment on a post.
- content
Main body field of the post comment.
- reply
A reference to the other comments it it is a reply to an existing comment.
- timestamp
The Datetime field, will be populated with the current time automatically.
- __str__
A function which will return the title of the post and the author of the comment.